Dora de Hond

Thuis is het een koude dag. Ze is de latse.
Dit is de laatse dag bij haar ouders.
Iemand neemt haar me naar de auto.
Het is een lang weg naar een nieuw stad en ze kan zien iets niet.
Ze geen idee waar gaan ze.
Het is een lange weg naar een nieuwe stad.
Ze kan niets zien.
Ze heft geen idee waar ze heen gaan.
De auto stopt.
Ze gaat naar een huis met een oude vrouw.
Ze is gelukkig en ze wil eten.
De vrouw geeft haar eten.
Maar ze wil haar moeder en vader.
De vrouw zet haar op de bank.
Helemaal alleen.
Het is laat.
Ze wil iemand.
Iemand komt.
Het is een man met een gelukkig gezicht.
Hij neemt haar mee.
Deze man is haar nieuw vader.
Zijn naam is Victor en ze heet Dora.

Enn kleine auto


In een zonnig of nat dag.
Laten we gaan naar de strand
We gaan ver weg te reizen
Ik heb de grijze Palio autorijden

We gaan naar de zee te zien
het geluid van de radio is Queen
Wij voelen blij en vrij
Dit is een mooie tijd

Nederlanders en Brazilianen
gaat snel door the weg
berg na berg

Nederlanders en Brazilianen
na het zwemmen
na het drinken

Erg moe na al
Nederlanders en Brazilianen
In het Palio, thuiskomen.

escravo da realidade

dolaruma vida pra viver
trabalho seja qual for
não encontrei prazer
apenas frustração tédio rancor

quem sou eu e o que vai ser amanhã?
ficar velho, pobre, consciente da dor

nada acumulei a não ser experiências
nada planejei a não ser o presente
nada serei a não ser eu mesmo

a cada dia que acordo sinto o tempo passar
tem um fim, mas nunca dá pra antecipar
em meus planos futuros não há sonho ou esperança
apenas um vazio escuro ou uma angústia insana

alegrias irracionais
apagadas por temores reais
a verdade nua e crua
é uma flor delicada e espinhuda

escravo da realidade
dependente da falsidade
fantasias ou mentiras?
incapacidade ou ingenuidade

uma criança que não cresceu
um velho que não se esqueceu
um adulto inútil no mundo real
vampirizado pelo mal

incapaz de se proteger e lutar
frágil ou covarde, difícil de se avaliar
tudo tão normal e passageiro
que se repete o tempo inteiro

num piscar de olhos tudo acabou
no tempo em que a estupidez paralisou
pensar e sonhar
mudar sem sair do lugar
caminhar e caminhar
sentar e descansar
gritar e chorar
o quê procurar?
ter fé que vai chegar e encontrar
deixar acontecer sem interferir e apenas ser
e nunca saber se é melhor viver sem ter motivo pra morrer
ou simplesmente parar, dormir e nunca mais acordar
e quem sabe um dia voltar a sonhar sem ter nada para concretizar


no paraguai eu fui casar
com minha amada sempre a sonhar
babycitas meu amor
minha maluquita, minha flor

no paraguai é só pagar
casou assinou beijou comemorou
agora estou casado, enamorado
no papel, no calor
na alegria e na dor
e juntos vamos pra sempre ficar
até a morte nos separar

the value of an artist

when art is important?
how much is it?

two questions and a lot of meanings
art is important when have a value
but, what is this value?

Money, at the end.
The artist needs money to live, to produce, to feed his imagination, to realize an idea
This money comes from somewhere, and this money only reach the artist if his art is reaching someone

The artists needs to create something that, in some way, can comunicate with the audience
More audience, more money
more money more art

And the audience will pay for something that they like
Most of the artists put their vision of the world based on their experience of life to create
this creation needs to be seing on the right place
the audience will assimilate this in different ways
most of them needs art to change their own lifes
so, art is very important
and the best artists will be the ones who can provide this to the audience
thats why a lot of artists pay with their own experiences, good or bad, to create something that any regular person can understand and feel in a very simple way. A paint, a song, a poem, and etc. So, you can absorve a lot of things, years of experiences and feelings, just listening to a song.

And this is the value
and this is the money
and this is art
more people enjoying your art
richest you will be
and more art you can create


17336279706_2479b6865c_zAfter try, cry and die
After believe, insist and take shit
After all, tired, dried, bored and aged

Need to find a flame or a sparkle
Something strong and new
Nothing out there to make you feel

imagination are the wings
are the ability to breathe beneath
the dreams that makes a human being


16567122988_0e10310a7f_ma man needs to build something
using his own hands
his force and his mind

Creativity is the most important hability
Be strong and full of energy
this way we can control time

We can see our life through our constructions
material, the nature transformed, shaped

thats what a real man is
we build, we create
we exist

we never know

11389067846_3cb7ded09c_zwho is the person by your side?
you see every day and night

and who is the woman from you born?
that protected you from the storm

we never know
till we see they grow
we never know
how the water turn into snow

who is the guy at the mirror?
light, colors in millions

who belongs this voice inside?
the devil and the angel or my mind

we never know
till we feel and kill
we never know
how the love makes you burn